Welcome to the online presence of Scouting in Barnsley, South Yorkshire!
Our District delivers Scouting in all areas across the town of Barnsley, and is proud of the diversity that brings.
Some of our Groups have been running from the very earliest days of Scouting, and we pride ourselves in the way we are able to provide excellent quality Scouting to all young people in Barnsley, offering them “Everyday Adventure” to develop as individuals and to help them make a positive contribution to our Society.
Scouting is open to all young people aged between 6 and 25 years old. It is supported by an excellent team of adult volunteers who, week by week, make Scouting happen! Today, it extends way beyond the traditional view of outdoor activities and bush-craft, though of course these activities remain as central to the movement as they ever were. Scouting is about providing young people with the opportunities to explore, see the world, enrich themselves, learn new skills and interact with people of all backgrounds. It is dynamic, fun and fulfilling; if you want your child to see more than they can on a mobile phone screen, we will give them every opportunity to try!
On this site, you will find information about the work we do, the events and activities happening across our District, as well as news and information about your nearest Scout Group. You can also found out how you can support Scouting in Barnsley, by volunteering.
Whatever your age, there will always be a welcome for you at Barnsley Scouts!